Our Products

Cardamom Pods

Cardamom Pods

Cardamom Pods

  • Shape: Triangular in cross-section, spindle-shaped
  • Size: Varies depending on variety and grade, typically ranging from 6mm to 8mm or higher in length.
  • Color: Light green (Elettaria cardamomum) or dark brown (Amomum varieties)
  • Moisture Content: 10% maximum (Ensures proper storage and shelf life)
  • Foreign Matters: Typically limited to a certain percentage (e.g., 2%) by weight. This might include twigs, dirt, or immature pods.
  • Split Pods: May be limited depending on the grade (e.g., some grades may allow a higher percentage of split pods).
  • Immature Pods: May also be limited by a certain percentage.
  • Infestation: Free from pests and insect damage.
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